The Girl with All the Gifts
Books | Fiction / Action & Adventure
M. R. Carey
Mike Carey
For use in schools and libraries only. Not every gift is a blessing. Every morning, Melanie waits in her cell to be collected for class. When they come for her, Sergeant Parks keeps his gun pointing at her while two of his people strap her into the wheelchair. She thinks they don't like her. She jokes that she won't bite. But they don't laugh. Melanie is a very special girl. Emotionally charged and gripping from beginning to end, The Girl With All The Gifts is the most powerful and affecting thriller you will read this year.
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M. R. Carey
Published Date
0606369260 9780606369268
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"This book isn't for everyone, but I really enjoyed it. The actions of the characters always made sense for them, I never felt like a characters behavior was out of place. Even the unreasonable behavior had a reason when you knew the character, and we get to know these characters well.
I also really appreciated that this book has multiple POVs. Usually, there's always that one character who's perspective I get to and I just groan, but I didn't experience that here, because there was always something intriguing to learn, whether about the character or the world around them.
The end did leave plenty of questions to be answered, but not in an irritating sort of way where you're just left hanging. It felt to me more like "Yeah, theres more to explore here, but this takes priority right now." "