A Foreign Devil in China image
A Foreign Devil in China image

A Foreign Devil in China

Books | Biography & Autobiography / General

John Pollock
Billy Graham Evangelistic Association
In the early days of Dr. Bell's life in China, people from other countries were usually referred to as "Foreign Devils," hence the title of this book. But for tens of thousands of grateful patients, Dr. Bell was Chong Ai Hua, "the Bell who is Lover of the Chinese people," and that he continues to be to this day. After thirty years' absence, he has said that he still dreams of China and his old friends there; nothing would gladden his heart more than to see the basic friendship and respect of China and America restored to the point where all might be free to hear of and believe in the One who alone can heal "broken China" as well as "broken America." - Publisher's note.
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John Pollock
Billy Graham Evangelistic Association
Published Date
0890661413 9780890661413