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Topic: Doctor Who

I was just wondering if anyone knows whether someone can watch this show without having watched older iterations of Dr. Who and still understand what is going on?



Brandon Reed Sometimes you'll be able to follow. You'll be lost at others. It's not as bad in that regard as some other long-running shows, but you won't know an old villain's deal if you haven't watched older episodes, for instance.


Heather It might be good to at least see the previous doctor. They changed A LOT in that iteration. For the most part, they are trying to recap in small doses with an explanation for the new companion, but it might get pretty confusing


Jenny NoWhere 🇵🇸 They’ve been putting in a lot of exposition in the episodes to catch new viewers up. If you watch the special before the new series you should be caught up enough. Disney also labelled the new season as “season 1” instead of season 14, so it’s intended to bring in a new audience. You should probably go and watch the Timeless Child episodes from the previous season though because there’s speculation it will tie into the new season.


Isaias Herrero I mean you can although if you want better written characters stick with the classic doctor who, and then continue all the way until the end of Peter capaldis run (if your still interested), everyone has a favorite doctor with each iteration being different I personally have two favorite ones those being Matt Smith and David Tenant. Again, the new one is mostly just written terribly. It’s just written in a bad way and I wish they could’ve done better. The only standout is maybe the recent companion, but even then You came for The Doctor, not the companion, which kind of sucks.
