
Topic: Screenplay

Just for my own curiosity. I find details like this fascinating. Once humans have colonized other planets (say 6 or so) and established sizable populations on them, how will we measure time? It's extremely unlikely that any planet we settle will match Earth in terms of minute, hour, day, month, year cycles. So, collectively, how will we measure time?



MeYou0 I was thinking about this the other day while watching Scavenger's Reign. I think it largely has to do with the sun and moon of that planet- how long a day/light is and how long a night/dark is. Then it probably also depends on the weather- if it changes every so often to make seasons. But if it's somewhere on the planet like parts of Alaska where it stays light or dark for months at a time, I dunno how you would measure that, especially if you were unaware it was different anywhere else to compare it to. Interesting question, gives us something to ponder. Reminds me of the movie Fire in the Sky when dude is on the alien craft- it made me think about how time, air, light, and gravity, etc are likely very different than what we're used to on Earth. I think that's why those 10 minutes or so of that movie were so spooky- they did a good job of making you feel completely disoriented in a very alien sort of way.


Road Master I mean more in terms of our specific measurement. For example, if you were born on Mars, are you 12 years old or 24 years old?


David Rachau I think there would have to be multiple time systems in use. A standard time that everyone agrees to, and local time. I would guess we'd use Earth standard for that, and each planet/system would have their own for local time. Probably each ship and station would also have their own "time zone" using one of the syatems.


Road Master That's essentially what I was thinking. Earth standard or galactic standard based on an Earth scale for any interstellar business or politics. The majority of people wouldn't need to know the standard well.


David Rachau I would imagine there would have to be some kind of digital passport that would translate the differing times into something the bartender could understand.


Joy Dawn are US Americans deciding this...? Cuz we always make others bend to our rules 😉


Road Master I suppose it would be a first come, first served kind of situation.


Sage DeForest I literally figured this out a few months ago let's just say it requires lots of ai and telecommunication technology. only works for planets within the same solar system though not for interstellar communication or for planets around black holes.
