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Topic: In the Lost Lands

https://youtu.be/SIrXttax32k?si=-67OL-BV_WkD-rT9 I really don't know how to feel about this one.

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Craig S. The director made movies I loved. I saw the original Mortal Kombat in theaters 3 times. Event Horizon is one of my favorite horror movies. I really enjoyed the first AvP movie, and the most of the Resident Evil franchise. And I thought his version of The 3 Musketeers was great. Also, Monster Hunter was pretty good. Add the fact that George R.R. Martin co-wrote it, and I'm absolutely looking forward to it.


Road Master I don't really keep up on directors. I know a few obvious ones. Spielberg, Lucas, Cameron... But I do know the movies you mentioned. Now that you have, I can definitely see the similarities. He clearly has a very "unrealistic but full-steam ahead" anyway style that I can absolutely get behind. I've said many times that all I ask of a movie, is that it be fun.


Craig S. Following directors and writers of the movies I like (using IMDb) has been the best way to find new movies/ shows for me by far. That's how I found out Queens Gambit (which I originally had no interest in)was written and directed by Frank Scott, a writer behind Logan (arguably the best comic book movie ever), which then led me to his show Godless and his movie The Lookout, all great stuff. It's also how I found out Sam Rami doesn't just do Evil Dead and superhero movies, he directed a damn good western. The list goes on, but to me following directors and writers is basically like following your favorite musical artists, if you like one of their projects, there's a good chance you'll like their others.


Brandon Reed It'll probably have some good action setpieces and combat sequences, but the narrative will be shaky, and it looks like it's already overly reliant on CGI and green screen.


Road Master That's pretty much exactly my assessment. Which is why I'm kinda on the fence.