lysandrawatched for the romance but overall this was a very touching and meaningful film. the aesthetics to the story telling was very cinematic and lovely. the soundtrack was my favourite 🩷
lysandrai honestly really like juno, i didn’t like the relationship with her and mark at all. it felt very predatory and odd. other than that this movie has one of my favourite sound tracks and i love juno and bleeker’s relationship 🩷 it doesn’t depict real teen pregnancies but it’s a cute little fairytale
lysandrai can watch white chicks over and over and over 🩷🩷🩷🐥🐥 it’s a good comedy and chick flick
lysandrai like this movie because of the scenery alone, the incest part is what made me uncomfortable but i guess if they were lost at sea as children they wouldn’t know wrong from right. i’m glad it was a happy ending, although, if the father didn’t find them at the end and they actually died i feel like that would’ve been so beautifully theatrical